Thursday, February 23, 2012

A matter of Routine ( Alex)


From Monday to Friday I get up at 7:15 and I have breakfast from  7:25 to 7:35. I have an orange juice and two slices of toast with tomato and oil. Then I get ready and I leave home at 7:50. I walk to work. It takes me 10 minutes to get to the office. Then I always have a meeting with my team from 8:15 to 9:00 and I talk to them about my presentation on “Database programming” which is the project I’m working on right now.  Then  I check my emails and finish  the reports.  At  14:00 I meet my boss downstairs and I have lunch with her. We usually go to the same restaurant and we have a three course meal. Two hours later I go back to the office and I stay there for three more hours. I leave work and go to the gym for an hour. Finally I get home at 8:30.


1.      What time does he get up from Monday to Friday?

2.      How long does it take him to have breakfast?

3.      What does he have for breakfast?

4.      What time does he leave home?

5.      How does he go to work?

6.      How long does it take him to get to his office?

7.      How often does he have a meeting with his team?

8.      How long does the meeting last?

9.      What does he talk to them about?

10.  What’s the name of the project he is working at the moment?

11.   Who does he have lunch with?

12.  Do they go to a different restaurant every day?

13.  What time does Alex  get back to the office?

14.  How long does he stay there?

15.  What does he do after finishing work?

16.  What time does he get home?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Find the mistakes

Listen to Micky talking about his routine. There are 9 mistakes. Can you find them?